The Analysis of Carrying Capacity for Tourism Object in Melasti Beach Ungasan Bali


  • Putu Gede Wahyu Satya Nugraha Warmadewa University
  • I Ketut Sugihantara Warmadewa University
  • I Gusti Ayu Ratih Permata Dewi Warmadewa University


carrying capacity, tourism, environment, Melasti beach


Carrying capacity (DDK) is the ability of the environment to support human life, other living things, and maintain the balance of the ecosystem. Conditions that over-carrying capacity cause human discomfort and create environmen- tal degradation. Melasti Beach is a tourism object that is in demand by tour- ists. The frequency of tourist visits continues to increase along with the risk of environmental damage. This study aims to determine the unit of the area, the duration of activities, furthermore to calculate the value of carrying ca- pacity. The data used are primary data obtained by questionnaire method to 50 tourist respondents and secondary data derived from literature study based on conditions in Melasti Beach. The results showed that the average area for tourism activities (Lt) was 232.7 m2 and the duration of activities (Wp) was 2.4 hours/day. The total time provided by the beach manager for tourism activities is 12 hours/day and the total area is 94.632 m2. The DDK value at Melasti Beach uses the Lt and Wp values, namely 2.008 people/day, 60.227 people/month and 722.724 people/year. These conditions show that tourist visits to Melasti Beach do not exceed DDK throughout the month and the total number of visits in 2020.




How to Cite

Nugraha, P. G. W. S., Sugihantara, I. K., & Dewi, I. G. A. R. P. (2021). The Analysis of Carrying Capacity for Tourism Object in Melasti Beach Ungasan Bali. ADBE, 1(1), 42–51. Retrieved from